He was stunned! My plan had worked! He thought he was going to a game with three of his friends and sitting in the 300 level. He waited in the lot for his friends to show up, and all his other friends started walking up. He said he was really confused. At this point, he thought Hunter had thrown him a bachelor party, and he had no clue that I was behind it all. As they go to the gate, Rob says, "We can't go in this way, this is for suites only." Then Hunter handed him the envelope with his suite ticket and a letter from me, explaining how I did this all as a gift for him because I love him dearly. And then when he walked into the suite, his dad and brothers and uncles and cousin were in there! He loved it!
Anyway, enough blabbing, here are some photos!

Eric, RJ and Samir, donning their felt bowties, in honor of Rob.

Hunter, cheering for the Phillies.

This is the shirt that Eric made for Rob. And I didn't say no strippers. I said no "female" strippers. ;-)

Thank goodness he wore the shirt that I gave him instead. A Phillies t-shirt with "GROOM" and "06" on the back.

Group shot!