The concert was beautiful. Matt and Ben were hilarious and had me cracking up most of the night. Gotta love intimate shows! And thanks to a contest, I had passes to meet Matt and Ben after the show. Woohoo!! :-D After the show, Rob, Rob's coworker Phuong, and I hung out with Aqualung's manager for a little while. He's super nice. And after they were done signing autographs and stuff, we were able to go to their little back room. Thank god Rob is personable. He was able to talk to Matt and Ben while I stood there all nervous! And I kinda felt bad because they were eating dinner, so we only stayed a few minutes. I didn't propose, I got shy. So I guess I'll just marry Rob instead. :-)
But before we left, I got me a photo!!!
That's Ben on the left, Matt in the middle, and a very excited Melissa on the right! Can you tell how giddy I was?! Well, that pretty much made my night. My week. My month. Ahhhh. I know I'm too old to be a groupie, but I just can't help it sometimes, ya know??