This is my favorite photo of me and my grandmother, taken when I was three years old.
I miss my grandmother so much. She was a second mother to me. She was there when I was born, taught me to sew and knit, baked with me, went to all of my school events. She was a strong career woman, a great role model, a beautiful lady. Two years ago, a few weeks before she passed away, I went up to visit her. Rob and I had just bought our first home. As I walked into the bedroom, she whispered, barely audible, "There's the homeowner," in the same positive manner she always spoke. I break down even thinking about it now.
At her funeral, her sister hugged me and said, "Your grandmother was so proud of you." I know that's true. She was never shy about showing it. I just hope I can continue to be someone that she would be proud of as I get older.
Thanks, Nan. You made me who I am today.