Yeah, he is. He's so cool that I had to title my blog post after him. ;-)
Visit his blog here. He's so talented, it makes me want to puke. And I mean that in a good way!
Speaking of cool, I just have to say thank you to my HOWies for making this birthday superb! I got more birthday wishes than I have in the past five years! They make me feel loved. And it's so great to have them as my dear friends. I am blessed. A few special HOWie shout outs. Nobody get angry at me for leaving them out! That means you jeff_bob!!! ;-) Okay fine, shout out to jeff_bob, even though his emails are not as lengthy as they used to be!
Special shout out to Ash, who really got me thinking deeply this past week. She made me realize that i need to look inside myself more often instead of trying to fix my life superficially. She is such an inspiration and I love knowing that she's there to lend her wisdom. Thank you, Ash.
Thank you to Maria and Amy for making the trip across the country! Sheesh, my friends won't even drive 45 minutes to see my house and you girls are coming from Phoenix! You are beautiful ladies and are like sisters to me. We are going to have a blast! Also, thanks to Maria for listening to me complain more than anyone in this world! She is the most understanding person to vent to! :-)
Thanks dev, for joining me in the quest for the rock. I hope it happens to us both at the same time. Who else can I send wedding invitation pics to that'll understand me like you do?? :-) Sometimes I think we're the same person! Except your a little kookier!
Even though he's not technically a HOWie anymore, thanks to Keith for trying his best to keep me sane in this corporate world. And I swear we'll do lunch soon! Sorry I've been so busy lately, but I'm not avoiding you! :-)
And of course there are so many others that make my every days special. Patti, for running this whole HOWieZine project and for calming me down when I was freaking out about my lost package. Even though I had to do extra work, it's all worth it in the end to be a part of something so great! Lisa, for caring about what you do so much, which in turn makes me want to care more about it too. Lew, for finding my secret blog and posting his support! :-) Bob and Rick for being crazy characters that crack me up in an instant! You all get the picture!
Anyway, I feel like I'm giving an acceptance speech or something. I just have lots of love for my HOWies and I want them to know it! **HUGS!!**