Holy moly. It has been quite a few weeks. Aside from being the absolute busiest season at work (where stress has brought me to tears at the office twice in a week), it coincidentally happened to be one of my busiest seasons socially due to the Philadelphia Film Festival. I figured I'd give you the abridged review of my last two weeks.
Thursday, March 26 (500) Days of Summer - Absolutely loved it! Quirky, creative, funny, sweet. Go see it!
Friday, March 27Art & Copy - documentary about the advertising industry; enjoyed it, kind of neat hearing about how some of the biggest ad campaigns came about
Eldorado - bizarre film from Belgium; kind of felt like a long short film, slow, quiet, strange; but there was a lot of humor to be found in simple things, like the way the characters looked at each other
Saturday, March 28Love, Soccer, and Other Catastrophes - I really liked this one; funny Italian film about a club soccer team and their relationships
Sunday, March 29It's Not Me, I Swear - one of my favorites of the festival; dark comedy about a dysfunctional (and seriously evil!) little boy
Monday, March 30 Goodbye Solo - another one of my favorites; beautiful (yet heart-wrenching) film about an unexpected relationship
Tuesday, March 31Kisses - Irish film about two young neighbors with dysfunctional families who try to escape their lives; pretty good
Thursday, April 2Heart of Stone - emotional documentary about a Newark NJ high school principal; the only movie where I cried my eyes out
Friday, April 3The King of Ping Pong - big disappointment; looked like it would be a quirky Swedish film, but halfway through I started checking my watch
Saturday, April 4Children of Invention - film about a single mother who gets caught up in pyramid schemes and how her two young children cope; I enjoyed this one quite a bit
Ray LaMontagne show @ the Tower Theatre - only in Philly could a drunken brawl erupt at a Ray LaMontagne show; he was incredible, and if I could marry a voice, it'd be his
Sunday, April 5Is Anybody There? - cute little film starring Michael Caine and Bill Milner (from Son of Rambow, my favorite Film Fest pick from last year); not life changing, but cute anyway
Monday, April 6Lymelife - another dysfunctional family film, starring two Culkins, a Baldwin, and a few other stars; I enjoyed this film; maybe I just think this because there are Culkins in this film, but it has kind of an Igby Goes Down feel
Tuesday, April 7Ra Ra Riot, Cold War Kids, Death Cab for Cutie show - awesome; Ra Ra Riot only played for about 20 minutes, and I wish they would have played for another hour, I love them; I could take or leave Cold War Kids, not crazy about them; Death Cab rocked the hizouse; in other news, I wanted to punch the people sitting next to me for talking at full volume throughout the whole show
And that's it! I have a free night tonight!! Then tomorrow it's roller skating with Rob's students, parents' house on Friday, Rob's family's place for Easter, yadda yadda yadda. But after that whole two week stint, I feel enriched. :) Now I need a nap. Oh yeah, and my job is driving me bananas.
How are YOU doing???