Rob has a plan for us tonight. Not sure what it is, but I have my suspicions. I dressed up like a rock star today. Black top, shiny black pants, black boots, and my hair all spiked out. Unfortunately I don't get good height. I think I need some more product.
I like this look. I think maybe the reason I love those dark hair, pale guitar boys is because I'm drawn to that "look". So I decided I'm going to get a great pair of sexy black skinny jeans, some more black tank tops, and I want to dye my hair black again. If that doesn't scream rock star, I don't know what does! Obviously I'm going through an identity crisis right now. 1/3 life crisis, maybe. I just want to be (as Tyra would say) FIERCE, instead of boring. Boring sucks.
So as not to be completely boring, here are a few photos from our recent vacation. Rob and I were trying out our model faces. Rob is so Zoolander, but a frightened Zoolander.

Rob and his fam at the top of Mount Washington.

And here I am striking a pose in Cambridge. I bought that top while we were in Providence. I'm addicted to that color.

I hope you all enjoy my birthday!
EDIT: I just realized I'm making kissy faces in both photos. I can't help it. It's either that, or I stick my tongue out. I always feel hokey smiling like a normal person.