I've jumped on the "headbandwagon", which means I bought myself one of those sickenly trendy, yet oh so cute, feathered headbands. I was in Urban Outfitters yesterday, and I just couldn't help myself. I blame Kenley from Project Runway. Despite being a massive beyotch, she was freakin' adorable. I don't know how I feel about it. Something in me tells me that I can't pull it off. I don't have that "retro" look going on, no matter how much eyeliner and red lipstick I slap on. But hey, it's worth a shot.
I'm going to Making Time tonight. (Making Time = sweaty, crazy, indie rock, dj, live band, dance party) I'm pretty stoked. And then we have two parties to attend tomorrow night. Busy weekend!
Today is the Phillies celebration parade. Depending on whether or not I feel like walking in that direction to get lunch, I may pop over to see it. But it's not a priority for me like it is for the other 1.5 million people here. So many of my coworkers have ditched out today, which means it's extra quiet for me. Just how I like it!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Ooh, a tag!
I feel so special! Annie of imogene tagged me!
favorite artist/designer: I've always loved Keith Haring
I love to create using: paper
what inspires me: music, really creative advertising, my insanely talented friends
favorite medium besides my own: letterpress, I wish I could do it!
most inspirational city: NYC
ideal weekend off: wandering around a busy city on a beautiful day and sitting on a park bench reading a great book with a cup of coffee in my hand
favorite color: lately it's been plum
favorite musician: (of all time)- tough call, i love stuart murdoch of belle & sebastian, or elliott smith, or thom yorke
favorite movie: I have to steal Annie's answer and say Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
favorite song: "pyramid song" by radiohead or "don't leave the light on, baby" by B&S
favorite song lyric: "Give me my money back. Give me my money back, you bitch. I want my money back. And don't forget. And don't forget to give me back my black t-shirt." Ben Folds Five
If I could have any other job it would be: Does "singer in a crazy punk rock band" count as a job?
I wish: I had more free time to do all of the things that I want to. Take classes, go on vacation, craft, write, draw, hang out with my family, volunteer, read, cook, clean, decorate, organize, sleep, shop, sew, etc.
Okay peeps, here's who I'm tagging: Maria, Devon, and Jules.
favorite artist/designer: I've always loved Keith Haring
I love to create using: paper
what inspires me: music, really creative advertising, my insanely talented friends
favorite medium besides my own: letterpress, I wish I could do it!
most inspirational city: NYC
ideal weekend off: wandering around a busy city on a beautiful day and sitting on a park bench reading a great book with a cup of coffee in my hand
favorite color: lately it's been plum
favorite musician: (of all time)- tough call, i love stuart murdoch of belle & sebastian, or elliott smith, or thom yorke
favorite movie: I have to steal Annie's answer and say Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
favorite song: "pyramid song" by radiohead or "don't leave the light on, baby" by B&S
favorite song lyric: "Give me my money back. Give me my money back, you bitch. I want my money back. And don't forget. And don't forget to give me back my black t-shirt." Ben Folds Five
If I could have any other job it would be: Does "singer in a crazy punk rock band" count as a job?
I wish: I had more free time to do all of the things that I want to. Take classes, go on vacation, craft, write, draw, hang out with my family, volunteer, read, cook, clean, decorate, organize, sleep, shop, sew, etc.
Okay peeps, here's who I'm tagging: Maria, Devon, and Jules.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Yeah, I'm slacking, I know. Blogging is hard!!
I took off work today so I could work on a project, but I haven't even started and it's 2:15 pm. That's bad. And it's all your fault! I could have started, but nooooo. I had to post for you! You'd better feel special.
Anyway, I wanted to get some work done today because I'm not going to be around this weekend. We're headed up to my parents' house tonight, since they are closer to NYC. Tomorrow we're going on a walking food tour in Greenwich Village with my in-laws. Unfortunately, the weather couldn't be crappier. "Windy with morning showers evolving to a steady, soaking rain in the afternoon." Awesome. That's kind of putting a damper on the fun of the whole thing.
In other news, I wanted to share this with you. Suzie, who is an absolute sweetheart and writes the blog Button & Squiggle sent me a package of goodies! Blog readers, meet Gelb (left). Gelb, meet my blog readers. She was holding a little blog contest for Gelb and she ended up making a bunch of Gelb friends so that she could send one to everyone who had entered! He's so lovely! She also sent me an assortment of paper goodies too, which you know always wins my heart.
But in addition to all that, I got a special treat. Suzie creates these beautiful illustrations, and she drew a picture of me and Gelb! I think it's the best drawing of me that exists! I was so excited about it that I ran out to Target to buy a frame, and I hung it in my office. Isn't it great?!

Other than that, I have no news. I'm working on this project, sort of having to do with Operation NICE. If all works out, it could be really amazing, but I don't want to get my hopes up just yet. I'm not going to share in fear of jinxing anything, but I'll let you all in on it when the timing is right.
Rob called me when I was in the middle of this post. After our conversation, he said, "I love you, now go right." I replied, "What?" And he kept saying, "go right, now, go right." So I look right, and there's my window. I'm thinking, is he outside and he's trying to tell me he came home early? "Huh??" Then he says, "Write, like type. Go write!" Ohhhhh. Those dang homonyms. They get me every time.
I took off work today so I could work on a project, but I haven't even started and it's 2:15 pm. That's bad. And it's all your fault! I could have started, but nooooo. I had to post for you! You'd better feel special.
Anyway, I wanted to get some work done today because I'm not going to be around this weekend. We're headed up to my parents' house tonight, since they are closer to NYC. Tomorrow we're going on a walking food tour in Greenwich Village with my in-laws. Unfortunately, the weather couldn't be crappier. "Windy with morning showers evolving to a steady, soaking rain in the afternoon." Awesome. That's kind of putting a damper on the fun of the whole thing.

But in addition to all that, I got a special treat. Suzie creates these beautiful illustrations, and she drew a picture of me and Gelb! I think it's the best drawing of me that exists! I was so excited about it that I ran out to Target to buy a frame, and I hung it in my office. Isn't it great?!

Other than that, I have no news. I'm working on this project, sort of having to do with Operation NICE. If all works out, it could be really amazing, but I don't want to get my hopes up just yet. I'm not going to share in fear of jinxing anything, but I'll let you all in on it when the timing is right.
Rob called me when I was in the middle of this post. After our conversation, he said, "I love you, now go right." I replied, "What?" And he kept saying, "go right, now, go right." So I look right, and there's my window. I'm thinking, is he outside and he's trying to tell me he came home early? "Huh??" Then he says, "Write, like type. Go write!" Ohhhhh. Those dang homonyms. They get me every time.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sleep-talking Nonsense: Part 2
I have mentioned before, sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and just start talking nonsense. I'm half awake, but I really believe that what I'm saying makes perfect sense.
The other night I woke up, turned to Rob, and said, "The ducks can't pronounce the g's." He thinks this is the most hilarious thing. So he tries to convince me that I'm babbling about ducks, but in my head, I feel like I really need to explain what I mean. I'm not insane! So I go off about how the ducks are on a game show, but they just can't pronounce their g's. Finally, when I feel like he just doesn't "get it", I frustratedly roll over and go back to sleep. But I'm awake through this event. When Rob brings it up the next day, I remember the whole thing! It's then, and only then, that I realize I was talking like a crazy person.
The other night I woke up, turned to Rob, and said, "The ducks can't pronounce the g's." He thinks this is the most hilarious thing. So he tries to convince me that I'm babbling about ducks, but in my head, I feel like I really need to explain what I mean. I'm not insane! So I go off about how the ducks are on a game show, but they just can't pronounce their g's. Finally, when I feel like he just doesn't "get it", I frustratedly roll over and go back to sleep. But I'm awake through this event. When Rob brings it up the next day, I remember the whole thing! It's then, and only then, that I realize I was talking like a crazy person.
Pick a Flick
Once again, I've resorted to posting videos so that I don't have to write much on here. But this is for good reason. There are so many good movies out right now, and I've been trying to get out to see them. But between Rob's soccer practice and the baseball playoffs, he hasn't had much time to see a movie, let alone four or five!
I'd like to see Religulous. Rob, surprisingly, isn't as interested. Mainly because he thinks Bill Maher is a "dick". But I think this will be a nice companion to The Year of Living Biblically, which I'm currently reading and loving. It's making me think about religion differently.
And then there's Towelhead, a movie by the same writer of American Beauty and creator of Six Feet Under. Part humorous, part disturbing.
Trouble the Water is only in the theater here for a few more days, so if I want to see it, I should go on Wednesday. I have a feeling this one will make me feel like crap, and I'll probably cry my eyes out.
And lastly, I kind of sort of want to see Choke and Burn After Reading. I won't post those trailers because they are mainstream. So, have you seen any of these?? What do you think?
I'd like to see Religulous. Rob, surprisingly, isn't as interested. Mainly because he thinks Bill Maher is a "dick". But I think this will be a nice companion to The Year of Living Biblically, which I'm currently reading and loving. It's making me think about religion differently.
And then there's Towelhead, a movie by the same writer of American Beauty and creator of Six Feet Under. Part humorous, part disturbing.
Trouble the Water is only in the theater here for a few more days, so if I want to see it, I should go on Wednesday. I have a feeling this one will make me feel like crap, and I'll probably cry my eyes out.
And lastly, I kind of sort of want to see Choke and Burn After Reading. I won't post those trailers because they are mainstream. So, have you seen any of these?? What do you think?
Friday, October 03, 2008
I love scarf weather!
I love wearing my plaid tweed blazer, complete with elbow patches along with a wooly scarf. That always seems to be my uniform for attending the Collingswood Book Festival, which happens to be tomorrow. The weather should be perfect. By the time we start (10am), it will be just chilly enough to justify a cup of hot chocolate.
I always leave Rob alone to do his nerd thing while I wander the farmer's market, stuffing my face with cheese samples. Then I'll probably pull up a bench and start reading. Rob thinks it's funny that I'll bring a book to a book festival, but I can't even keep up with the ones I currently have, so I'll take that time to relax, read, and people watch. I might even bring my moleskine to jot down some notes.
Either way, I'm really looking forward to it! I won't even be sad if the Stewart's Root Beer truck isn't there. Okay, maybe a little.
I always leave Rob alone to do his nerd thing while I wander the farmer's market, stuffing my face with cheese samples. Then I'll probably pull up a bench and start reading. Rob thinks it's funny that I'll bring a book to a book festival, but I can't even keep up with the ones I currently have, so I'll take that time to relax, read, and people watch. I might even bring my moleskine to jot down some notes.
Either way, I'm really looking forward to it! I won't even be sad if the Stewart's Root Beer truck isn't there. Okay, maybe a little.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Keeping Busy

Aside from work, Operation NICE has been quite the time-sucker lately. I mean that in the best way possible! I love this project, I do. But sometimes it's tough sitting in front of a computer for 9 hours straight and then eating a quick meal only to sit in front of a different computer for a few more hours. Do you know how behind I am in Top Model, Project Runway, and Gossip Girl?! Egads! But in the end, it's all worth it. (Oh, side note. There's a giveaway going on over there now, so you may want to stop by.)
My Roberto has been coaching soccer, which means he isn't around to do his wifely duties like dishes, vacuuming, and laundry. And lord knows I'm not pickin' up those tasks! Therefore, you can imagine the state of our home. I could probably write "WASH ME" in the layer of dust on our hardwood floor.
In hilarious news, my mother called me today to tell me that they had a sewage blockage which resulted in the explosion of their bathroom. An explosion of poop! My clean freak mother bleached the entire area approximately 40 times, but she claims she can still smell poop in the house.
Excuse me for a minute.
Okay, I'm back. I tried to show her how funny this situation is, but she doesn't see it that way. One day she will.
No other news to report, as of yet. I hope you all are doing super duper!
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
I'm not Jewish...
...but I'd be willing to make The Great Schlep.
You know, if I had grandparents in Florida. But I don't. So I'll stay put.
Either way, this video cracks me up! Oh Sarah Silverman, please tell me, how can I be as delightfully funny as you are?
Warning: This video has hilarious NSFW language.
The Great Schlep from The Great Schlep on Vimeo.
You know, if I had grandparents in Florida. But I don't. So I'll stay put.
Either way, this video cracks me up! Oh Sarah Silverman, please tell me, how can I be as delightfully funny as you are?
Warning: This video has hilarious NSFW language.
The Great Schlep from The Great Schlep on Vimeo.
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