Friday, July 03, 2009

07/02/09 - Day #4

I was a little worried I wouldn't get to this one yesterday. I was going out to dinner and a movie with some girlfriends, and I REALLY wanted to nap beforehand. But like I said, I'm serious about this project, so I forced myself to walk right past the super-comfy futon and into my office to churn out a journal page. Sure, it's a bit redundant to my post yesterday. Hopefully you won't mind.

I think it's funny how we both look like we're about 14 years old. Obviously I have some work to do with proportions.


devon spec said...

totally cool mel! you look like you're developing some kind of new style... :) i love it. it's kinda "juno" like. keep it up girl! i love it.

Phil Chairez said...

ROB is 3/5 ROBOT. Great band we used to play with. Thanks for the inadvertent trip down memory lane. Good times. Oh, and UP was great. Tell me you saw it in 3-D!

malinda said...

I love that movie!

Amanda said...

Hell, if you're not tearing up in the first ten minutes of that movie that means you're dead and should seek medical help! :-)
