Hope everyone had a very merry Christmas this year. I know mine was full of merriment and joy! To those that are interested here's my synopsis:
Christmas Eve we went to Rob's grandmother's house and had a delicious seafood dinner with Rob's dad, his dad's fiancé and her son, 2 brothers, uncle, uncle's annoying girlfriend, and grandmother. It was a relaxing night. Every time I'm around his dad's fiancé, all she talks about is me and Rob getting married. Her sister is a jeweler, so she was asking me what kind of rings I like, so she can pick one out for me. :-) Rob just rolls his eyes and runs away.
Then Christmas morning Rob and I woke up at 7am to open gifts. We had a $100 limit, which was great, but also really limiting. I got him hiking and Red Sox stuff, which he was thrilled about. I only fueled the fire because he spent the whole weekend talking about the Red Sox and the woods! He got me some cute stuff. An ornament, a funky scarf, a cute hippie bag with an embroidered elephant, a pug calendar (because I love pugs!), a little plush lion, and three picture frames that had like jungle animals on them. Then when I thought I was done, he said there was a hidden compartment in the frames. So I opened them up and there were tickets to see the Lion King on Broadway! Hence, the jungle themed gifts. I was so surprised! We're going on Jan 22nd, and I can't wait! That's very uncharacteristic of him because I know he thinks musicals are cheesy, so he was really unselfish with that gift!
Then we got ready and headed up to my folks house. Ate some yummy Korean dumplings and went to the tree! I got the Bose SoundDock from my parents, which is what I was really hoping for. I tried it out at their house and it's so awesome! The sound is unbelievable! Then I got a few books and things. Normal relative-type stuff. Oh, also, as a gift to myself and Rob, I used some of my Christmas bonus money and bought a digital video camera! Rob has been wanting one forever because he used to have a video camera and used it to torture his brother and friends. He has the funniest videos. He used to lock his younger brother out of the house in the snow and wouldn't let him in until he did the robot in the street. And a few years ago we had big wheel races and taped it all, it was hilarious! Now I'm sure I'll be the one getting tortured, but he has so much fun doing it that it'll be worth it!
Then we went to my uncle's house and had a dinner with my uncle's family and my grandfather. Food was delicious. Didn't stay too late, went back to my parents' home and left late afternoon the next day. All in all it was a lovely holiday!
Stealing from my homegirl, Devon, I made a little photo collage of some pics we took during the celebrations! :-) You can see me in all my nasty glory, just out of bed, no shower, and a santa hat hiding my bed head! Oh, and my parents are there in the middle.